Financial Gain Made Easy

Bringing Financial Automation to Everyone

Universe Sky (USky), headquarter in Singapore, is a leading financial technology (FinTech) and artificial intelligence technology (AITech) company. We are committed to developing financial and artificial intelligence (AI) trading strategies, managing risk for clients in the financial markets across the globe in multi-asset categories such as debts, equities, derivatives, ETF, TFEX, convertibles, DW and umbrella funds. The average return on capital is between 15% to 50% consistently for our growing clientele globally.


WhatWe Do

USky uses its proprietary Automated Trading Expert (ATE), a proprietary state of the art trading architecture, to trade automatically and systematically in the financial markets including those dealing with derivatives, debts, equities, ETF, TFEX, DW, fund of funds, and convertible.

Since trading regulations are unique in each platform, USky customizes models and strategies to fit your individual requirements.


Automated E-Trading Engine and Platform

Automated E-Trading Engine and Platform


Automated Stock and Trade Model Research


Big Data Integration and Processing


Automated Large Market Orders Execution


Automated Algorithmic Traders Research


Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Statistical Pattern Recognition


Established global brokerages’ relationships

Automated Trading Expert (ATE) caters aptly to three types of clients:

  • (1) Investors
  • (2) Institutions
  • (3) Resellers

Automated Trading Expert (ATE) aims to provide optimized output signals according to our clients’ specific requirements and expected returns of their investments.

Our artificial intelligence (AI) has been designed to be proficient in big data processing and pre-backtesting, and to perform some of the best trade strategies in no more than 1 millisecond. Our AI aims to satisfy the clients’ different ROI targets with precision and maximum artificial intelligence speed–all according to a premeditated investment plan.

A premeditated investment plan is worth noting, as it ensures you full control of your strategies, desired returns, as well as the risks you’re willing to take. The ATE platform will serve as your assistant in performing analytical tasks of thousands – all in the palm of your hands.
